Access to Health Care and Health Care Utilization in Michigan
This research project broadly focuses on developing and improving the methods, approaches, and techniques used in Michigan’s health care-related policies and regulations. Our research group works closely with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Certificate of Need (CON) Section and the Michigan Certificate of Need Commission to evaluate access to health care services, predict future use of health care services, and integrate evidence-based approaches in regulating health care services. Additionally, our group tackles more general topics in health care access and utilization using Michigan as a study area.
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Current Research Projects
- Comparing methods to forecast future hospital utilization
- Using potential spatial accessibility metrics to predict hospital utilization patterns
- Identifying unmet need for psychiatric services
- Understanding geographic variation in utilization of nursing home services
Related Publications
- Delamater, P.L. 2013. Spatial accessibility in suboptimally configured health care systems: A modified two-step floating catchment area (M2SFCA) metric. Health & Place, 24:30–43.
- Delamater, P.L., Shortridge, A.M., and J.P. Messina. 2013. Regional health care planning: a methodology to cluster hospitals using community utilization patterns. BMC Health Services Research. 13(333):1–16.
- Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Grady, S.C., WinklerPrins, V., and A.M. Shortridge. 2013. Do more hospital beds lead to higher hospitalization rates? A spatial examination of Roemer’s Law. PLOS ONE. 8(2):e54900.
- Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Shortridge, A.M., and S.C. Grady. 2012. Measuring geographic access to health care: raster and network-based methods. International Journal of Health Geographics. 11(15):1–18.
Current Collaborators
- Ashton Shortridge, Amber Pearson, Joseph Messina (Michigan State University)
Measuring Spatial Accessibility
This research focuses on how geographic access or spatial accessibility is or can be measured using quantitative data. It focuses on the metrics themselves or how they can be used to help understand differences in access.
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Current Research Projects
- Evaluating travel time estimates among online network data providers
Related Publications
- Delamater, P.L. 2018. Comment on “A conceptual framework for quality healthcare accessibility: a scalable approach for big data technologies”. Information Systems Frontiers. 20(2):303–309.
- Delamater, P.L. and J.P. Uberti. 2016. Geographic Access to Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Services in the United States. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 51:241–248.
- Delamater, P.L. 2013. Spatial accessibility in suboptimally configured health care systems: A modified two-step floating catchment area (M2SFCA) metric. Health & Place, 24:30–43.
- Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Shortridge, A.M., and S.C. Grady. 2012. Measuring geographic access to health care: raster and network-based methods. International Journal of Health Geographics. 11(15):1–18.
Current Collaborators
- Eric Delmelle (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Hospital Competition and Access in China
This research project evaluated changes to China’s health care system per the integration of private hospitals, as well as spatial accessibility to hospitals.
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Related Publications
- Pan, J., Liu, H., Wang, X., Xie, H., Delamater, P.L., 2015. Assessing the spatial accessibility of hospital care in Sichuan Province, China. Geospatial Health 10(2):261–270.
- Pan, J., Qin, X., Li, Q., Messina, J.P., Delamater, P.L., 2015. Does hospital competition improve health care delivery in China? China Economic Review 33:179–199.
- Jay Pan (Sichuan University), Joseph Messina (Michigan State University)