
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
(+) student coauthor

Delamater, P.L., Leslie, T.F., and Y.T. Yang. 2018. Examining the spatiotemporal evolution of vaccine refusal: Nonmedical exemptions from vaccination in California, 2000-2013. BMC Public Health. 18(458):1–13.

Leslie, T.F., Delamater, P.L., and Y.T. Yang. 2018. It could have been much worse: The Minnesota measles outbreak of 2017. Vaccine. 36(14):1808–1810.

Rossiter, K.M, Wong, D.W., and P.L. Delamater. Congressional Redistricting: Keeping Communities Together?. The Professional Geographer. Online First.

Delamater, P.L. 2018. Comment on “A conceptual framework for quality healthcare accessibility: a scalable approach for big data technologies”. Information Systems Frontiers. 20(2):303–309.

Vraga, E., Stefanidis, A., Lamprianidis, G., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Delamater, P.L., Pfoser, D., Radzikowski, J., and K.H. Jacobsen. 2018. Cancer and social media: A comparison of traffic about breast cancer, prostate cancer, and other reproductive cancers on Twitter and Instagram. Journal of Health Communication. 23(2):181–189.



Vraga, E.K., Radzikowski, J. R., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Delamater, P.L., Pfoser, D., and K.H. Jacobsen. 2017. Social Media Engagement With Cancer Awareness Campaigns Declined During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. World Medical & Health Policy. 9(4):456–465.

Delamater, P.L., Leslie, T.F., Y.T. Yang. 2017. Change in medical exemptions from immunization in California after elimination of personal belief exemptions. JAMA. 318(9):863–864.

Stefanidis, A., Vraga, E., Lamprianidis, G., Radzikowski, J., Delamater, P.L., Jacobsen, K.H., Pfoser, D., Croitoru, A. and A.T. Crooks. 2017. Zika in Twitter: Temporal Variations of Locations, Actors, and Concepts. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 3(2):e22.

Mousam, A.+, Maggioni, V., Delamater, P.L., and A.M. Quispe. 2017. Using remote sensing and modeling techniques to investigate the annual parasite incidence of malaria in Loreto, Peru. Advances in Water Resources. 108:423–438.



Leslie, T.F., Street E.J., Delamater, P.L., Yang, Y.T., and K.H. Jacobsen. 2016. Variation in Vaccination Data Available at School Entry Across the United States. American Journal of Public Health. 106(12):2180–2182.

Delamater, P.L., Yang, Y.T., and T.F. Leslie. 2016. A spatiotemporal analysis of nonmedical exemptions from vaccination: California schools before and after SB277. Social Science & Medicine, Special Issue Section: 16th International Medical Geography Symposium. 168:230–238.

Delamater, P.L., Leslie, T.F., Yang, Y.T., and K.H. Jacobsen. 2016. An approach for estimating vaccination coverage for communities using school-level data and population mobility information. Applied Geography. 71:123–132.

Nicholas, D.E.+, Delamater, P.L., Waters, N.M, and K.H. Jacobsen. 2016. Geographically weighted discriminant analysis of environmental conditions associated with Rift Valley fever outbreaks in South Africa. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 17:75–83.

Delamater, P.L., Leslie, T.F., and Y.T. Yang. 2016. California Senate Bill 277’s Grandfather Clause and Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions in California, 2015–2022. JAMA Pediatrics. 170(6):619–620.

Jacobsen, K.J., Aguirre, A.A., Bailey, C.L., Baranova, A.V., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Delamater, P.L., Gupta, J., Kehn-Hall, K., Narayanan, A., Perobon, M., Rowan, K.E., Schwebach, J.R., Seshaiyer, P., Sklarew, D.M., Stefanidis, A., and P. Agouris. 2016. Lessons from the Ebola outbreak: 10 action items for emerging infectious disease preparedness and response. EcoHealth. 13(1):200–212.

Yang, Y.T., Delamater, P.L., Leslie, T.F., and M.M. Mello. 2016. Sociodemographic Predictors of Vaccination Exemptions on the Basis of Personal Belief in California. American Journal of Public Health. 102(1):172–177.

Delamater, P.L. and J.P. Uberti. 2016. Geographic Access to Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Services in the United States. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 51:241–248.

Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Jacobsen, K.H., Croituru, A., Crooks, A.T., and P.L. Delamater. 2016. The Measles Vaccination Narrative in Twitter: A Quantitative Analysis. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2(1):1–15.



Akerlof, K.L., Delamater, P.L., Boules, C.R., Upperman, C.R., and C.S. Mitchell. 2015. Vulnerable Populations Perceive Themselves at Risk from the Health Effects of Climate Change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 12(12):15419–15433.

Pan, J., Liu, H., Wang, X., Xie, H., and P.L. Delamater. 2015. Assessing the spatial accessibility of hospital care in Sichuan, China. Geospatial Health. 10(2):261–270.

Pan, J., Qin, X., Li, Q., Messina, J.P., and P.L. Delamater. 2015. Does Hospital Competition Improve Health Care Delivery in China?. China Economic Review. 33:179–199.



Delamater, P.L. 2013. Spatial accessibility for suboptimally configured health care systems: A modified two-step floating catchment area metric. Health & Place. 24:30–43.

Delamater, P.L., Shortridge, A.M., and J.P. Messina. 2013. Regional health care planning: a methodology to cluster hospitals using community utilization patterns. BMC Health Services Research. 13(333):1–16.

Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Grady, S.C., WinklerPrins, V., and A.M. Shortridge. 2013. Do more hospital beds lead to higher hospitalization rates? A spatial examination of Roemer’s Law. PLOS ONE. 8(2):e54900.



Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Shortridge, A.M., and S.C. Grady. 2012. Measuring geographic access to health care: raster and network-based methods. International Journal of Health Geographics. 11(15):1–18.

Delamater, P.L., Finley, A.O., and S. Banerjee. 2012. An analysis of asthma hospitalizations, air pollution, and weather conditions in Los Angeles County, California. Science of the Total Environment. 425:110–118.

Delamater, P.L., Messina, J.P., Qi, J., and M.A. Cochrane. 2012. A hybrid visual estimation method for the collection of ground truth fractional coverage data in a humid tropical environment. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 18:504–514.



Salazar, E., Sanso, B., Finley, A.O., Hammerling, D., Steinsland, I., Wang, X., and P.L. Delamater. 2011. Comparing and blending regional climate model predictions for the American Southwest. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 16(4):586–605.

Messina, J.P., Delamater, P.L., Hupy C.M., and Y.K. Makido. 2007. Neutral Models and the Deviation from Neutral Pattern Metric. Ecological Informatics. 2(1):43–47.

Messina, J.P., and P.L. Delamater. 2006. Defoliation and the War on Drugs in Putumayo, Colombia. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(1):121–128.

Messina, J.P., Walsh, S.J., Mena, C.F., and P.L. Delamater. 2006. Land Tenure and Deforestation Patterns in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Conflicts in Land Conservation in Frontier Settings. Journal of Applied Geography. 26(2):113–128.

Hupy, C.M., Schaetzl, R.J., Messina, J.M., Hupy, J.P., Delamater, P.L., Enander, H., Hughey, B.D., Boehm, R., Mitroka, M.J., and M.T. Fashoway. 2004. Modeling the Complexity of Different, Recently Deglaciated Soil Landscapes as a Function of Map Scale. Geoderma 123:115–130.


Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Zufle, A., Trajcevski, G., Pfoser, D., Rice, M.T., Renz, M., Leslie, T.F., Delamater, P.L., and T. Emrich. 2017. Handling Uncertainty in Geo-Spatial Data. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (Tutorial), 1467–1470. San Diego, CA. April 19–22, 2017.

Gazaz, H.+, Croitoru, A., Delamater, P.L., and D. Pfoser. 2016. Geo-Fingerprinting of Social Media Content. In Proceedings of the Third International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data, 1–6. San Francisco, CA. June 26 – July 1, 2016.

Messina, J.P. and P.L. Delamater. 2003. Land Use and Land Cover Characterization of Inaccessible Sites in the Colombian Amazon. Proceedings of the American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.

Lobben, A.K., and P.L. Delamater. 2001. Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Cartography Lab. In World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2001, ed. C.g Montgomerie and J. Viteli, 1151–1154. Norfolk, VA.